The Yield Prophet Blog
Communicating changes and updates to the Yield Prophet system, research results and interesting ideas from the community.
Posted on June 13, 2019 at 03:06 PM by Stephen van Rees
Some users told us that they find it challenging to select the right soil characterisation when setting up a new paddock. We listened, and as a result users are now able to have the soil characterisation for their paddocks automatically selected based on the Soil and Landscape Grid of Australia. The soil and landscape grid combines historical data with information from satellites and other sensors to map the soils and landscape across Australia. It was produced by the Terrestrial Ecosystem
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Posted on March 15, 2019 at 01:01 PM by Stephen van Rees
Making Better Decisions with Yield Prophet®
Yield Prophet® is an internet-based crop model designed to present grain growers with real-time information about their crops. It generates a range of outputs that enables users to make informed crop management and input decisions. It is recommended that Yield Prophet users conduct soil tests on subscribed zones prior to planting.
How much does it cost?
Yield Prophet® is available to the Australian farming and research community for a low
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Posted on November 21, 2016 at 11:39 AM by Louisa Ferrier
The 2016 season will see the introduction of a new season review for paddocks in Yield Prophet. The purpose of this process is to provide you with more information about your crop and create an opportunity to benchmark your crop's performance.
As the saying goes: “There is always room for improvement”. An important part of improving your farm performance is to review the season that has just passed. How did you go? What could you have done better?
The season review will provide:
· a
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Posted on July 1, 2016 at 03:57 PM by Julie McClelland
We’ve made updates to the Yield Prophet website. Below are some tips to help you navigate the new changes.
Canola Growth Stages:
You can view growth stage predictions either in the Crop Report or on the ViewPaddock

Shortcut to the Latest Crop Report:
In ViewPaddock
, the green sidebar now has a quick link to the latest report generated for your selected paddock. It will list an Autoreport if that is the latest crop report generated.

Automated Reports:
You can
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Posted on June 28, 2016 at 11:20 AM by Louisa Ferrier
Since launching the new Yield Prophet site, we've had a couple of questions about how to edit nitrogen applications on the new site, so here's a guide to get you started.
There is one method for editing nitrogen applications and three for adding nitrogen. The three methods for adding nitrogen will achieve the same outcome so don’t be concerned about which one you use.
1.1 Log In
Just Login as normal, using your personal user name and password.

1.2 Dashboard
After logging in, a dashboard
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Posted on June 24, 2016 at 10:37 AM by Sebastian Ie
A close match between the actual soil type and the selected characterisation is essential for accurate Yield Prophet simulations. This means that picking the right soil characterisation is one of the most important steps in setting up your paddock, and pays dividends when you get it right. To make this job easier, we’ve implemented a new tool that will give you a shortlist of close matches to choose from, based on the results of a Particle Size Analysis (PSA).
PSA is available from most soil
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Posted on June 15, 2016 at 01:58 PM by Tim McClelland
Frost and heat stress are major issues for the Australian broadacre grain industry. Frost stress costs around $360 million in direct and indirect yield losses to growers each year, according to GRDC estimates, and I would hazard a guess that heat stress is at least as significant as frost. As a result, I’m pleased to announce that Yield Prophet users can now run input scenarios for their wheat and canola paddocks that are based on frost and heat-affected yield potentials. This should allow for
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Posted on June 7, 2016 at 03:01 PM by Tim McClelland
BCG releases crop forecasting app for farmers
Successful on-line crop forecasting tool Yield Prophet® now has its own app.
Launched by Birchip Cropping Group (BCG) on June 12, the Yield Prophet Lite app is a free tool that lets farmers estimate their potential crop yields based on forecast rainfall probabilities for the rest of the season.
BCG Yield Prophet co-ordinator Tim McClelland said the app, which had been developed in partnership with CSIRO, uses data from the Bureau of Meteorology’s
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Posted on June 7, 2016 at 10:05 AM by Tim McClelland
The classifications for a large number of wheat varieties used in APSIM by the Yield Prophet tool have been updated, improving the accuracy of outputs for Yield Prophet subscribers.
The updated maturity parameters and classifications are the result of field work carried out across Australia. The work, which was led by Dr Zvi Hochman (CSIRO), sought to back the paramertisation of wheat varieties used by APSIM.
According to Dr Hochman, many variety parameters (the value attributed to a function
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Posted on May 12, 2016 at 04:11 PM by Stephen van Rees
Since launching the new Yield Prophet site, we've had a couple of questions about how to track rainfall manually on the new site, so here's a helpful guide to get you started.
During paddock setup, you'll need to select "Manual entry" as your Rainfall Source on the Paddock's Location and Weather Setup screen.

Once you've done this, that particular paddock should have a button that looks like a rain cloud on the Dashboard.

Clicking on that button will give you a popup directly on
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