Simulation Inputs
The crop simulations are created by combining the essential components of growing a crop including
- a soil test sampled prior to planting
- a soil characterisation selected from the APSoil library of ~1,000 soils selected as representative of the production area
- historical and current climate data taken from the nearest Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) weather station or current climate data from your privately owned weather station (optional)
- paddock specific rainfall data recorded by the user (optional) or your privately owned weather station (optional)
- individual crop details
- fertiliser and irrigation applications during the growing season.
Soil Test Sampling
In late summer and autumn, subscribers sample the soil in their Yield Prophet paddocks/zones down to the maximum rooting
depth of their crop at different intervals (e.g. 0-10, 10-40, 40-70, 70-100cm). These samples are analysed for water
content, organic carbon, nitrate and chloride concentration, electrical conductivity and pH. This information is entered
into the Yield Prophet web interface. Alternatively, Yield Prophet can directly import existing soil data from Back Paddock’s
SoilMate, allowing SoilMate users to avoid additional data entry. The soil test information is then used by the
grower/consultant and the Yield Prophet team to select a suitable soil characterisation. Information on the requirements
and costs of initial soil data are outlined in Yield Prophet® Soil Sampling Information below.
Soil Characterisation
An appropriately measured soil characterization is essential for Yield Prophet to accurately simulate crop growth and yield. The
Plant Available Water Capacity (PAWC) and bulk density of a specific soil type are used to determine how much of the measured
water and nitrogen is available to the crop for growth during the season. PAWC is determined by a soil’s ‘Drained Upper Limit’
(DUL, or field capacity) and its ‘Crop Lower Limit’ (CLL, similar to permanent wilting point). Yield Prophet has a catalogue
of soil characterisations for many of the major cropping soil types found throughout Australia. More information about the
catalogue of soils can be found on the APSOIL website. Yield Prophet users must select a soil characterisation from the catalogue
that is most representative of the area soil sampled. In some circumstances there are soil types for which there is no available
characterisation data. In these circumstances, it is recommended that potential subscribers to Yield Prophet consider characterising
their soil if no appropriate data exists. If you are interested in having your soils characterised or would like more information please
contact Tim McClelland. Alternatively, if you would like to understand more about the soil characterisation process, please visit the
APSOIL website for a methodology.
Climate Data & Rainfall
Yield Prophet accesses climate information sourced directly over the web from the SILO Patched Point Dataset (PPD). This
is a catalogue of climate information for 4600 weather stations across Australia. If you wish to know more about the SILO
PPD please visit the SILO website. Currently users select a weather station from the database that is representative of the
location of their paddock/zone. The weather station has two distinct purposes in the simulations process:
1. It provides climate data from the current season which is used to simulate crop growth and the soil water and nitrogen
processes in the paddock/zone from the time of soil sampling to the time of the report. During the season, Yield Prophet
subscribers may enter rainfall for each paddock/zone into the web interface. Alternatively, they can opt to utilise the seasonal
rainfall data recorded at their nominated PPD station.
2. It provides historic data which is used to simulate crop growth and resource availability from the day on which the report was
generated to the end of the season. This process is repeated once for each year of climate record (~130 years) providing 130 separate
yield outcomes.
Now users may opt to utilize private live weather stations located at the paddock/zone being simulated. However, it should be noted that
this improvement will only be realised in the simulation of crops in the current season. Yield Prophet will still need to utilise the
historic records from the PPD as the basis for simulations from the day on which the report was generated to the end of the season.
Crop Details
Yield Prophet requires subscribers to enter individual crop details into the website for inclusion in the simulations. Specific details
required are the type and amount of starting stubble, sowing date, crop type, cultivar and sowing density.
Fertiliser and Irrigation Applications
During the season, subscribers update paddock/zone management details (cultivations and nitrogen fertiliser and irrigation applications)
as they occur.